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Cabins in the Giant Sequoias
REALTOR® CalDRE Lic. 02085898
Find Your Cabin!
I can show you any cabin for sale on the mountain that is listed in an MLS (or any listed home in California for that matter) regardless of who the listing broker is.

To help find your cabin, you have a few options:
Contact me to discuss what you are looking for and I will send you pictures and information about the cabins that may be a good fit for you. Then we can arrange for you to see the ones that you like.
Use the Cabins For Sale links in the Find Your Cabin! menu at the top of the page to see all the cabins for sale in the specific communities. Then contact me for more information or to arrange to see the ones that you like.
View my listings to see if any fit what you are looking for. Then contact me for more information or to arrange to see the ones you like.
If you are not looking for a cabin at the moment but have questions about the area, I'm happy to answer them! Just contact me.
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